Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How do i apply to that magic school harry potter goes to?

Get a life and live in the real world and maybe, just maybe you won't end up in a psychiatric hospital or living on a park bench one day.How do i apply to that magic school harry potter goes to?
Ohh , its easy.

All u gotta do is go to London train station , find Platform 9 3/4 and run , RUN as fast as u can into it, if u dnt sucseed at first , keep trying , never quit.

Hopefully , as u realise its pointless , you will realise , its not real , while im here i shuld mention the tooth fairy also isnt real.

if u have any questions , call J.K Rowling , shed be happy to answer.

yala im outHow do i apply to that magic school harry potter goes to?
there's no 'application' your name is put down on a list when your born.
haha :P HOGWARTS...naa naa u cant apply its fiction lmao...well i think your probz no that but however look in the yellow pages you might find a school smialr :P:P:L:L
haha i want to go to hogwarts!!!
Be in that fictional world Harry is in, and be a fictional character?

It may work in your little world, though, who knows.
You are a muggle-born girl, sorry xD
Like I said write a letter addressed to Santa Clause next December and maybe if you've been a good girl this year, he will send you a flying broom and directions to get there.

Ok this is a very complicated thing to do. First you must spill the blood of 50 pacman ghosts. Then you gotta get a big damn ladder. Like, three but if you can only find one that's alright. You climb up the ladder onto the second level where a busload of nuns come and help you off the ladder. They may seem nice, but don't be fooled. The nuns are actually seagulls with different shaped kebabs. The seagulls chase you across the sahara desert for days and days. Then you find cover (a kiddie play area does good) and wait till they go away. Now the seagulls are gone, you can trek across the desert. At the post office, you will meet a sorceror named steve, who grants wishes with lollies and flowers. Ask him to give you a ride to the train station. Then you must go by yourself, for 50 days and nights, into the valley of deep despair and death, the happiest place on earth. Once you finish the 50 nights and days you have one final task. Take my garbage out and clean my house. Then I think you're a shoe in for Hogwarts.

You can't apply... as a muggle you'll have to be invited to attend if they see that you have magic potential.
the hogwarts letter comes to you and it contains, book lists, tickets, etc

then you buy your stuff and go to platform 9 3/4 on whatever date the letter says

and off you go to hogwarts!

but if you are muggle born someone comes to tell you ';you are witch/wizard.';

Sorry,but it doesn't exsist.

but you always have your imagination,

that never fails.

and dreams do come true,don't they?
Last time I heard, you need to have the recommendation from three wizards
Dreams make your dreams come true.
Simple. You don't n00b.

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